Thursday, March 29, 2018

Helping Scientists by Playing Video Games

Growing up with Video Games

Like many people, I grew up playing video games. I can remember when my twin brother and I were ~5 years old and got our first gaming console, which was a Sega Genesis. It came with the “The Lion King,” where we had to jump Simba safely across the Savannah by jumping from giraffe to giraffe. As we got older, we moved to the Sega Saturn, PlayStation I, II, III, etc. One of my favorite games was TimeSplitters 2, when four of us would face off in the multiplayer mode of virtual hide-and-seek. Video games are a fun pastime for people with many different interests.

 Now, scientists are using video games to harness human intelligence to address important scientific research questions.

This online puzzle game was developed by the Center for Game Science at the University of Washington. It involves competition between players trying to work out the 3-D structures of proteins by folding chains of virtual amino acids into optimal configurations. The greater the stability of the protein as zigzags, squiggles, and loops of amino acids are folded into an optimal shape (with the lowest energy), the higher the score. FoldIt also allows players to design new proteins that could have potential therapeutic effects, such as inhibiting influenza virus.

Additionally, FoldIt players can outperform computer simulations to find the lowest energy structures of a protein. They solved a research question that scientists had been studying for decades by determining the structure of a retroviralprotease of the Mason-Pfizer monkey virus (which causes similar symptoms as HIV in humans). Also, FoldIt players redesigned anenzyme to increase the speed of a reaction and increase the production of drugs by ~2,000%.

This game was created by scientists at Carnegie Mellon University and Stanford University. Players arrange colored discs, which represent nucleotides that form RNA molecules, into 2-D chain-link shapes. The best designs, voted for by the eteRNA community, are then generated in the lab and their behavior is observed. The scientists give this information to the players of the game to help them develop new game strategies. This continuous cycle helps researchers understand RNA folding and activity, which can be used to develop new RA molecules to treat diseases. 

This puzzle game was created by scientists at McGill University. The goal of the game is to improve genomic sequence alignments of disease-associated genes from multiple species. Players move DNA sequences, illustrated as rows of color-coded blocks, to find the best possible match. Further, 70% of around 350,000 multiple sequence alignment solutions generated by Phylo players are more accurate than a computer algorithm.

The Cure

This card game was created at the Scripps Research Institute to help find predictive biomarkers of breast cancer. Players put together 5 genes from a board of 25 pre-selected genes (based on cancer-relevance). To win, an individual’s gene set produces the best predictive model of breast cancer outcomes.   

This game comes from a lab at Princeton University and uses data from the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research. It challenges players to map retinal neurons by solving puzzles and reconstructing 3D structures of neurons, which helps researchers understand information processing circuits in the brain.  

A scientist at Stanford University developed various educational, “biotic games” that help people understand living organisms. In PAC-mecium, players herd a flock of paramecia (single-celled organisms found in ponds), which is represented by a fish. Further, they can see how these organisms swim and change direction in response to electrical stimulation, observe the “fish” eating virtual food pellets, and maneuver it away from predators like zebrafish.


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